The six Principles of Naturopathy

naturopathy treatments

There are six Principles of Naturopathy that lead its philosophy and approach to healthcare. All focused on the body’s natural healing power.

The Six Principles of Naturopathy

first do not harm

1. First do not harm - Primum no nocere

This means using the least invasive and least harmful treatments possible to aim the desired result. Without using words that may offend or embarrass the client.

2. The healing power of nature

2. The healing power of nature - Vis medicatrix natura

Naturopathy recognizes that the body has an innate ability to heal itself. The role of the naturopath is to support and facilitate this process using natural remedies and treatments.

Identify and treat the root of cause

3. Identify and treat the root of cause - Tolle causam

The Naturopath seek to identify and address the underlying causes of illness rather than simply treating the symptoms. This involves a whole understanding of the individual's health history, lifestyle, and environmental factors.

to teach

4. To teach – Docere

Naturopaths see themselves as educators and facilitators of health. They work with their clients to teach them how to take an active role in their own health and wellness, instead than simply relying on the doctor for treatment and to achieve a good homeostasis as a vital knowledge.

Treat the whole person

5. Treat the whole person – Tolle totum

Naturopathic medicine recognizes that health is a balance of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing. The aim is treat the whole person rather than just the symptoms.

To prevent

6. To prevent – Praeventio

Naturopathy emphasizes the importance of prevention as a main key component of health and wellness.

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